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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 691, Issues 1-2,
Pages 3-353 (3 February 1995)

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High pH mobile phase effects on silica-based reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic columns, Pages 3-19
J. J. Kirkland, M. A. van Straten and H. A. Claessens
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (934 K)

Use of chromatographic system peaks for continuous quantitative analysis, Pages 21-27
Nira Mizrotsky, Luba Kristol and Eli Grushka
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (406 K)

Microdialysis sampling coupled on-line to fast microbore liquid chromatography, Pages 29-35
Chen Anqing and Craig E. Lunte
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (340 K)

Optical properties of axial-illumination flow cells for simultaneous absorbance-fluorescence detection in micro liquid chromatography, Pages 37-53
Ahmad A. Abbas and Dennis C. Shelly
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1051 K)

Amperostatic-potentiometric detection for micro high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 55-65
Aftab Siddiqui and Dennis C. Shelly
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (608 K)

Multivariate visualization in the size-exclusion chromatography and pattern recognition of biological samples, Pages 67-79
R. D. Ricker, L. A. Sandoval, J. D. Justice and F. O. Geiser
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (699 K)

Characterization of a new reversed-phase chromatographic column on a 2-m porous microspherical silica gel, Pages 81-89
Hiroyuki Moriyama, Masakazu Anegayama, Katsuo Komiya and Yoshio Kato
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (392 K)

Nano-scale design of novel stationary phases to enhance selectivity for molecular shape and size in liquid chromatography, Pages 91-99
Kiyokatsu Jinno, Kazuyo Nakagawa, Yoshihiro Saito, Hatsuichi Ohta, Hideo Nagashima, Kenji Itoh, Jim Archer and Chen Yung-Lin
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (520 K)

Displacement chromatography in biotechnological downstream processing, Pages 101-112
Ruth Freitag and Jürgen Breier
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (643 K)

Preparation and use of immunoglobulin-binding affinity supports on Emphaze beads, Pages 113-122
Greg T. Hermanson, Gloria R. Mattson and Randall I. Krohn
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (625 K)

Effect of resin sulfonation on the retention of polar organic compounds in solid-phase extraction, Pages 123-131
Philip J. Dumont and James S. Fritz
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (482 K)

Methods and materials for solid-phase extraction, Pages 133-140
James S. Fritz, Philip J. Dumont and Luther W. Schmidt
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (471 K)

Characteristics and applications of a new high-performance liquid chromatography guard column, Pages 141-150
Mark Capparella, Walter Foster III, Mark Larrousse, Dorothy J. Phillips, Arthur Pomfret and Yuri Tuvim
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (545 K)

Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using enhanced-fluidity mobile phases, Pages 151-162
Cui Yi and Susan V. Olesik
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (701 K)

Modification of a conventional high-performance liquid chromatography autoinjector for use with capillary liquid chromatography, Pages 163-170
Richard C. Simpson
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (330 K)

Solvent modulation in liquid chromatography: extension to serially coupled columns, Pages 171-185
Patrick H. Lukulay and Victoria L. McGuffin
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (852 K)

Chiral separation retention mechanisms in high-performance liquid chromatography using bare silica stationary phase and -cyclodextrin as a mobile phase additive, Pages 187-193
Robert H. Pullen, John J. Brennan and Gabor Patonay
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (338 K)

Laser-based dynamic surface tension detection for liquid chromatography by probing a repeating drop radius, Pages 195-204
Lawrence R. Lima III and Robert E. Synovec
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (624 K)

Chemometric characterization of Lewis base-modified zirconia for normal phase chromatography, Pages 205-212
David A. Whitman, Thomas P. Weber and John A. Blackwell
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (498 K)

High-performance chiral displacement chromatographic separations in the normal-phase mode III. Separation of the enantiomers of 5-vinylpyrrolidin-2-one using the Chiralcel-OD stationary phase, Pages 213-216
Pearle L. Camacho-Torralba and Gy. Vigh
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (239 K)

Comparison of the retention of organic acids on alkyl and alkylamide chemically bonded phases, Pages 217-224
T. Czajkowska, I. Hrabovsky, B. Buszewski, R. K. Gilpin and M. Jaroniec
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (447 K)

Use of secondary chemical equilibria in liquid chromatography to determine dissociation constants of leukotriene B4 and prostaglandin B2, Pages 225-229
J. E. Hardcastle, He Ming, Basharat Begum and Rachal Vermillion-Salsbury
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (234 K)

Simultaneous sorption and analytical derivatization on a polystyrene-divinylbenzene polymer Preparation of chromophoric and fluorophoric derivatives of the prostaglandins, Pages 231-237
Jack M. Rosenfeld and Fang Xingchun
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (377 K)

Use of particle-loaded membranes to extract steroids for high-performance liquid chromatographic analyses Improved analyte stability and detection, Pages 239-246
Gary L. Lensmeyer, Carol Onsager, Ian H. Carlson and Donald A. Wiebe
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (435 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of human erythrocyte oxysterols as 4-3-ketone derivatives, Pages 247-254
Jon Ie Teng and Leland L. Smith
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (433 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of sulfated peptides in human hemofiltrate using a radioactivity monitor, Pages 255-261
Andreas G. Schepky, Peter Schulz-Knappe and Wolf-Georg Forssmann
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (429 K)

High-performance liquid chromatography of amino acids, peptides and proteins CXXXVIII. Adsorption of horse heart cytochrome c onto a tentacle-type cation exchanger, Pages 263-271
Jianrong Xie, Marie-Isabel Aguilar and Milton T. W. Hearn
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (563 K)

High-performance liquid chromatography of amino acids, peptides and proteins CXXXIX. Impact of operating parameters in large-scale chromatography of proteins, Pages 273-283
Mao Qi-Ming, Ian G. Prince and Milton T. W. Hearn
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (663 K)

Compositional analysis of the phenylthiocarbamyl amino acids by liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry with particular attention to the cyst(e)ine derivatives, Pages 285-299
Karl Schmeer, Mohamed Khalifa, János Császár, Gyula Farkas, Ernst Bayer and Ibolya Molnár-Perl
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (550 K)

Sensitivity and selectivity of the electrochemical detection of the copper(II) complexes of bioactive peptides, and comparison to model studies by rotating ring-disc electrode, Pages 301-315
Chen Jian-Ge, Steven J. Woltman and Stephen G. Weber
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (750 K)

Separation of amino acids, peptides and proteins on molecularly imprinted stationary phases, Pages 317-323
Maria Kempe and Klaus Mosbach
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (357 K)

Separation and analysis of proteins by perfusion liquid chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Pages 325-330
J. Fred Banks Jr.
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (346 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic assay of glycosyltransferases using flavonoids as substrate, Pages 331-336
Mario Pace, Dario Agnellini, Claudio Gardana, Pier Luigi Mauri and Pier Giorgio Pietta
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (268 K)

Selectivity optimization of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic peptide and protein separations by varying bonded-phase functionality, Pages 337-347
Barry E. Boyes and Douglas G. Walker
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (775 K)

Insights into the role of the hydrogen bond and hydrophobic effect on recognition in molecularly imprinted polymer synthetic peptide receptor mimics, Pages 349-353
Ian A. Nicholls, Olof Ramström and Klaus Mosbach
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (326 K)


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